Wednesday, August 19, 2009

You Are Beautiful :)

From Jess:

When I was in the third grade my family moved me into a high end elementary school. All of the people around me were stick thin and dressed in the best. I didn't. My family barely had the money to buy me clothes from Wal-Mart, none of that mattered to me before. But, when people point you out at school and laugh because your jeans weren't from American Eagle or I wasn't wearing Abercrombie. You quickly lose all of your self-esteem. I went from being happy and carefree to sad and spent my time with my nose in a book. I remember my dad working overtime one summer just so I could wear the best clothes. I remember thinking that would change things. It didn't, in fact it made it worse. I quit attempting to make friends and found myself hating life.

My prayers were answered when my family decided to move the summer before my eighth grade year. This time we moved to a middle class area where people didn't care as much what you wore or what you looked like. I found myself surrounded by friend who liked me. Not because I was decked out in name brand clothes or stick thin, but because I was me. I went from being the saddest girl ever to the happiest.

So whenever I am feeling unbeautiful or unloved I think back to how I felt when I was there. Nothing feels as bad as that does.

Whenever you are feeling unbeautiful or unloved remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND LOVED BY SO MANY.

Remember to keep sending in your photos and reflections! The next update is something special from someone with an amazing voice, I can't wait to share it with you! Send your thoughts, contributions, WHATEVER to and follow us on twitter @loveubeautiful! <3 <3 <3

Thank you Martha for the picture<3

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